
{channel} Tags


Returns a string with a channel mention.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns the ID of a channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns an integer for the channel type.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns a timestamp for the creation date of a channel that can be used with {time}.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Checks if a channel is marked as NSFW.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns the name of a channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns the position of the channel.

Discord sorts channels by their category, then their type, then their position. Two channels can have the same position and a channel at the bottom of the list can have a higher position than a channel at the top of the list, because of the category-first sorting.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns the ID of the last message sent in a channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns a channel topic, also known as channel description.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Get the parent ID of the channel. For regular channels this is the category ID. For threads this is the ID of the parent channel.

{channel.parentId} // "", a channel with no parent
{channel.parentId} // "532902705404837888", a regular channel with a parent
{channel.parentId} // "532902728834351115", a thread channel with a parent
channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns true if the channel is a thread.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns true if the channel is a voice channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel


Returns true if the channel can accept messages.

channelChannelcontext Channel

{channel.edit name topic nsfw archived ratelimit parent;channel}


This tag is part of the Mutate Channel expensive group.

Updates a channel.

namestring?The new name of the channel.
topicstring?The new topic of the channel.
nsfwboolean?Whether the channel is NSFW or not.
archivedboolean?Whether this channel is archived; channel must be a thread.
ratelimitTime?How often users can send messages in this channel, for example 1m.
parentChannel?The category to move the channel to.

{channel.startThread auto_archive_duration ratelimit invitable is_private return_id channel;name;message}


This tag is part of the Mutate Channel expensive group.

Creates a new thread.

namestringthe name of the thread.
messageMessage?the message the thread is created from.
auto_archive_durationThreadAutoArchiveDuration?ThreadAutoArchiveDuration.OneDaythe time until threads are archived after inactivity. Can be one_hour, one_day, three_days or one_week.
ratelimitTime?how often users can send messages in the thread, for example 1m.
invitableboolean?whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to the thread; only available on private threads.
is_privateboolean?falsewhether the read is private, must not have a message to be private.
return_idboolean?falsewhether to return the ID of the created thread.
channelChannel?context Channelthe channel to create the thread on.


Returns a list of pinned message IDs in a channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel

{channel.create name type topic nsfw parent return_id;channel}


This tag is part of the Mutate Channel expensive group.

Creates a new channel.

namestringThe name of the channel.
typeChannelTypeThe type of the channel. Only GuildText, GuildVoice and GuildCategory are allowed.
topicstring?The topic of the channel.
nsfwboolean?Whether the channel is NSFW or not.
parentChannel?The parent channel, if any.
return_idboolean?Whether to return the created channels ID or not.



This tag is part of the Mutate Channel expensive group. This tag is marked Dangerous and must be enabled in Advanced Settings.

Deletes a channel.

channelChannelThe channel to delete


Get the position of a channel.

channelChannelcontext Channel



This tag is part of the Mutate Message expensive group. This tag is marked Dangerous and must be enabled in Advanced Settings.

Purge messages from a channel with various parameters.

limitnumber?100The number of messages to purge, applied before filtering.
channelChannel?context ChannelThe channel to purge messages in, defaults to the context channel.
includePinnedboolean?falseWhether to include pinned messages.
newerThanTime?Messages that are newer than this time will be purged. Accepts a time value.
olderThanTime?Messages that are older than this time will be purged. Accepts a time value.
beforeMessageMessage?Purge messages sent before this message.
afterMessageMessage?Purge messages sent after this message.
includingstring?Purge messages including this message. Can be a regex pattern.
excludingstring?Purge messages excluding this message. Can be a regex pattern.
authorUser?Purge messages that were sent by this user.
notAuthorUser?Purge messages that were not sent by this user.
hasImageboolean?Purge messages that do or do not contain an image.
hasLinkboolean?Purge messages that do or do not contain a link.
hasInviteboolean?Purge messages that do or do not contain a server invite.
hasAttachmentboolean?Purge messages that do or do not have an attachment.
reasonstring?The reason for deleting the channel.
returnBoolboolean?falseWhether to return true if messages were purged.