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Options & Parameters

Tag parameters are how you get tags to do what you want. For example, {;off-topic} will get the tag to return the ID of the off-topic channel. In that example, off-topic is the tag parameter, and it will be given to so it knows what you want.

Every parameter has a name that you can use as an option name, however not all are documented. {;channel} is the same as { channel=value} and knowing which to use is important and will make your code a lot easier to understand by others or even your future self.

Named options such as {example option=value} are useful for tags with lots of parameters or setting a specific value with a lot of other parameters before it. For example, {responder.embed;;Hello!} is the exact same as {responder.embed description="Hello!"}, but it is significantly easier to understand what the latter is doing. In general the documentation will give you the "recommended" way to pass them, such as {channel.delete reason?;channel?}.

{responder.button handler url?;text} is an example of how the documentation formats tag names. In that example, there is a required handler option, then an optional url option, and finally a required text option.


{responder.embedField inline name="example" value="something interesting"}

In this example, the inline option will automatically be set to true because it has no value.