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{responder} tags let you construct a message that will be sent once the action is over, or you manually send it. These tags are meant to be chained together to form a complete responder.

{responder.embed title="World"}


Appends text to the output message. If there is more text, it will be appended to the existing text.

{responder.text;Hello World} will make the output message "Hello World" {responder.text;Hello}{responder.text;World} will make the output message "Hello World" {responder.text;Hello}{responder.text;} empty text will clear existing text.

{ fallback=false;member}

This tag is part of the Create DM expensive group.

Set the responder to dm a user. This tag can be hit and miss if the user has their direct-messages closed.

{;{}} will make the message direct-message the user in context. { fallback=true;{}} will send a message to the user and will fall back to the context channel if the user has their direct-mesage closed.


This tag is used to add embeds to the message. Calling it multiple times will add multiple embeds to the message, up to a maximum of 10.

{responder.embed title="Hello world"} {responder.embed title=Test timestamp="5 hours ago"}

Embed Elements author-image author-name author-url color description footer footer-icon image thumbnail timestamp title url

Use the Embed Builder to quickly build an embed.

Color Defaults

Black: #000000 Dark Mode: #36393f White: #FFFFFF Red: #ED4245 Pink: #EB459E Fuchsia: #EB459E Purple: #9C27B0 Blurple: #5865F2 Blurple Classic: #7289DA Deep Purple: #673AB7 Indigo: #3F51B5 Blue: #2196F3 Light Blue: #03A9F4 Cyan: #00BCD4 Teal: #009688 Green: #57F287 Light Green: #8BC34A Lime: #CDDC39 Yellow: #FEE75C Amber: #FFC107 Orange: #FF9800 Deep Orange: #FF5722 Brown: #795548 Grey: #9E9E9E Blue Grey: #607D8B Role Default: #4f545c Magenta: #E91E63


Add a field to the last created embed.

{responder.embed title="My Embed" description="Fortnite or something idk"}
{responder.embedField name="My Field" value="very cool" inline=true}
{responder.embedField name="Another One" value="even cooler" inline=true}


Set the channel the message will be sent to. Setting a channel with a context interaction will have the responder ignore that interaction when sending a message. The context interaction must still be replied to or it will be marked as failed.

// Do some weird logging stuff to a separate channel that the user will never see
{responder.text;{user.mention} ran our command!}
{responder.send} // Send the log message to the log channel

// Now we reply to the slash command (context interaction). This is required,
// not replying will have Discord mark the interaction as failed. Depending on a few factors,
// if we don't reply Atlas will automatically send a "The action did not output anything" message
// to stop it being marked as failed.
{responder.text;Hi {user.mention}! This is a reply to the context interaction that is required for it not to fail}
// No need for {responder.send} as it is automatically once the script finishes executing if its configured


Reset any options already applied to the responder.

{responder.text;Something bad happened!}

This would output "Something bad happened!"


Mark the message as ephemeral. Only works with interactions.


This is the same as {responder.text}, with some extras;

  • Embeds will be set to red
  • The message will be set to ephemeral

You should use this whenever sending error messages.

{responder.send return_id=false ignore_interaction=false}

This tag is part of the Create Message expensive group.

Send the message immediately. This will automatically call {responder.reset} if the message is sent successfully.

return_id can be used to get the output message ID. return_id does not work when replying to an interaction. Discord does not give us message data when we send an interaction, however because the responder will assume you mean the context interaction, leaving out the ID should do effectively the same thing.

ignore_interaction can be set to have the responder ignore the context interaction and reply with a regular message in the context channel. The interaction still needs a reply or it will be marked as failed, you should only use this to send off a separate message.

If the responder is configured when the script finishes, it will be sent automatically. This means you probably don't need {responder.send} unless you're sending multiple messages.


Set the responder to edit the given message. Atlas must have sent the message to edit it. Place after the new message content.

{responder.button label handler? stateless? state? url? emoji? style=primary actionRowIndex? disabled=false userLock?}

Add a button to the message.


  • label is the button text.
  • handler is the value of the component callback action to call when the button is clicked
  • state is an optional payload that will be accessible in the component callback action
  • url can be used to link to external resources
  • emoji is the name of an emoji to add to the button. Can be a guild emoji or a native emoji.
  • stateless Whether this button should be forced to be a stateless interaction. Required if you don't want the button to expire.
  • style can change the button style, which defaults to Primary. This will be ignored if url is present.
  • disabled can be set to true to disable the button.
  • actionRowIndex can be used to set the row the button is in. This is useful if you want to have multiple buttons in a row.
  • userLock lock this interaction the the defined user.

If you want a button to only have an emoji, here is a fun hack. Copy this empty space and paste it into the button label.

{ handler stateless=false state? disabled=false placeholder? minValues? maxValues? actionRowIndex? type=StringSelect userLock?;options}

Create a new select menu with the given options.


  • handler is the value of the component callback action to call when the menu is interacted with
  • state is an optional payload that will be accessible in the component callback action
  • stateless Whether this menu should be forced to be a stateless interaction. Required if you don't want the menu to expire.
  • disabled can be set to true to disable the menu.
  • placeholder is the text to show when no option is selected
  • minValues is the minimum number of options that must be selected
  • maxValues is the maximum number of options that can be selected
  • type can be StringSelect, UserSelect, RoleSelect, MentionableSelect, or ChannelSelect.
  • actionRowIndex can be used to set the row the menu is in. This is useful if you want to have multiple menus on a message.
  • userLock lock this interaction the the defined user.

options is an array of select options, and is required for StringSelect menus.

"value": [
"label": "Option One",
"value": "1"
"label": "Option Two",
"value": "2"

{ handler=my_callback placeholder="Select an option";{$options.value}}


Set the responder to reference the given message. Call with no params, {responder.reference}, to stop the bot replying to the context message.


Replies to an interaction with a modal.

  • title The title of the modal.
  • handler The name of the component callback handler to use for the modal.
  • stateless Whether the custom id should be forced to stateless. Defaults to false.
  • components The components to add to the modal.
  • state The state to pass to the callback.

This tag will create a modal with the given title and components, and send it to the user who initiated the interaction. The modal will be associated with the provided handler, which will be called when the user submits the modal.


"components": [
"type": 1,
"components": [
"type": 4,
"custom_id": "my_input",
"style": "short",
"label": "Your Name",
"required": true

title="Example Modal"

This tag will create a modal with the title "Example Modal" and a single input field labelled "Your Name". The handler action "my_modal_handler" will be called when the user submits the modal. The values will be available in the callback action as {$fields}.


Defer the reply to an interaction. This is useful if you need to do some processing before sending a reply.

  • ephemeral Whether the reply should be ephemeral. Defaults to false.