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Gets the ID of a role.


Gets the name of a role.

{role.mention allow_mention;role}

Returns the role @mention.

allow_mention is whether to ping the role.


Gets the position of a role.


Gets the hex code of a role.


Returns true for managed roles. ex: Server Boost and Bot roles.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the role can be mentioned.


Returns the date the role was created.


Check whether the role has the specified permission.



Returns a boolean indicating whether the role is hoisted above other roles in the member list.

{role.edit name color reason;role}

This tag is part of the Mutate Role expensive group.

Edit the role.

name is the new role name color is the new colour of the role reason is the reason for editing this role

{role.edit name="Very cool" colour=teal}
Color Defaults

Black: #000000 Dark Mode: #36393f White: #FFFFFF Red: #ED4245 Pink: #EB459E Fuchsia: #EB459E Purple: #9C27B0 Blurple: #5865F2 Blurple Classic: #7289DA Deep Purple: #673AB7 Indigo: #3F51B5 Blue: #2196F3 Light Blue: #03A9F4 Cyan: #00BCD4 Teal: #009688 Green: #57F287 Light Green: #8BC34A Lime: #CDDC39 Yellow: #FEE75C Amber: #FFC107 Orange: #FF9800 Deep Orange: #FF5722 Brown: #795548 Grey: #9E9E9E Blue Grey: #607D8B Role Default: #4f545c Magenta: #E91E63

{role.create name color reason return_id;role}

This tag is part of the Mutate Role expensive group.

Create a new role.

name is the name of the role color is the colour of the role reason is the reason for creating the role return_id is whether to return the created roles ID.

Color Defaults

Black: #000000 Dark Mode: #36393f White: #FFFFFF Red: #ED4245 Pink: #EB459E Fuchsia: #EB459E Purple: #9C27B0 Blurple: #5865F2 Blurple Classic: #7289DA Deep Purple: #673AB7 Indigo: #3F51B5 Blue: #2196F3 Light Blue: #03A9F4 Cyan: #00BCD4 Teal: #009688 Green: #57F287 Light Green: #8BC34A Lime: #CDDC39 Yellow: #FEE75C Amber: #FFC107 Orange: #FF9800 Deep Orange: #FF5722 Brown: #795548 Grey: #9E9E9E Blue Grey: #607D8B Role Default: #4f545c Magenta: #E91E63

{role.delete reason;role}

This tag is part of the Mutate Role expensive group. This tag is marked Dangerous and must be enabled in Advanced Settings.

Delete a role.

reason is why you are deleting this role.


Gets the icon of the role.