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Returns the ID of a message.


Returns a string with the content of a message.


This tag is part of the Mutate Message expensive group. This tag is marked Dangerous.

Deletes a message.


Checks if a message is pinned.

{ reason;message}

This tag is part of the Mutate Message expensive group.

Pins a message.


  • {reason}: The reason for the action that will be displayed in the Audit Log.

{message.unpin reason;message}

This tag is part of the Mutate Message expensive group.

Unpins a message.


  • {reason}: The reason for the action that will be displayed in the Audit Log.


This tag is part of the Mutate Message expensive group.

Publishes a message. Only works in news channels.

{message.embed index=0;message}

Get an embed from the message. The index is optional and will default to the first embed if its not provided.



The ID of the message this message is replying to.


This tag is part of the Mutate Reaction expensive group.

Adds a reaction to a message.


  • {emoji}: The emoji to add as the reaction.


This tag is part of the Mutate Reaction expensive group.

Removes a reaction from a message.


  • {emoji}: The emoji to remove as the reaction.


This tag is part of the Mutate Reaction expensive group.

Removes all reactions, optionally for a specific emoji.

{message.removeReactions}       // Will remove all reactions
{message.removeReaction;emoji} // Will remove all reactions for a specific emoji


Returns a string with the jump URL of a message.


Returns the ID of the author of a message.


Returns the ID of the channel a message is in.


Checks if a message was sent as text to speech.


Get a list of mentions from a message. Returns an array of IDs that includes roles, channels and users.


Get a list of reactions from a message. Returns an array of objects. For example, this message

A screenshot of a message with an :eggplant: and :fortnitedefaultdance: reaction.

Would result in this

"count": 1,
"me": false,
"emoji": {
"id": null,
"animated": false,
"name": "🍆"
"count": 1,
"me": false,
"emoji": {
"id": "538224338269372438",
"animated": true,
"name": null
{$reactions.0.count} // 1
{$} // false (whether the bot has reacted with this message)
{$} // null
{$reactions.0.emoji.animated} // false
{$} // 🍆

See objects for information on working with objects.

{message.attachments single=true objects=false;message}

Get the attachments from a message. Returns the first attachments url by default.

single is whether to return the first attachment or an array of attachments. objects is whether to return the attachment objects or just their urls.


Returns a timestamp for the creation date of a message that can be used with {time}.